What is Search Engine Submission?

Most people are not aware that Search Engine submission in SEO is one of the most impactful off-page techniques. A website’s URL is submitted to several search engines as part of this process.

For this, you need a high-DA list of submission sites to search engines in order to generate organic traffic and do-follow backlinks.
You will be able to raise your Google ranking in this manner.

We’d like to explain how search engines function before going on to disclose the list of the finest sites for submissions.

Here are a few terms related to websites for search engine submission:


Crawler is a technology used by Google Search Engine to crawl the internet.
In order to get the required results, a website must crawl every page.

Google starts by crawling one page, then the related pages, and so on.
Therefore, if you want your website to be crawled by Google and receive a better rating, make sure your sitemap is up to date.


Crawling is a basic motion.
Your website is indexed by search engines in relation to the keywords that were entered.

Because search engines continue to do this frequently, it is crucial to provide adequate navigation; otherwise, it will be challenging to access your website.
As a result, it will have an impact on how well your site performs.

Search Engine Submission Sites List

S.No. Search Engine Submission List Year
1 https://search.google.com/search-console 2024
2 https://ziyuan.baidu.com/linksubmit/url 2024
3 https://webmaster.yandex.com/site/indexing/reindex 2024
4 https://www.freewebsubmission.com 2024
5 https://viesearch.com/submit 2024
6 http://www.socialsubmissionengine.com 2024
7 http://www.hotvsnot.com/Add-Site/Add-Site.aspx 2024
8 https://www.similarsitesearch.com 2024
9 http://www.anoox.com/add_for_indexing_free.php 2024
10 http://www.gigablast.com/addurl 2024
11 http://www.exalead.com/search/web/submit 2024
12 https://www.sonicrun.com/freelisting.html 2024
13 https://www.entireweb.com/free_submission 2024
14 http://www.secretsearchenginelabs.com/add-url.php 2024
15 https://www.activesearchresults.com 2024

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